Letters to the Bouncy Banker...

Letters to the Bouncy Banker...
...from a struggling artiste.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Letter to the Bank #70 (Who Consumes the Consumer?)

Dear Mr. Banker,

Who consumes the consumer? I don't enjoy being called a consumer. We are all consumers on some level. THE consumer, the biggest consumer of all is you. You are consuming us little consumers at a massive rate. What will you do when all the plankton has gone? You are way too lazy to create wealth so once you have consumed all the wealth that is already available what will you do then? Do big banks only fail when there is nothing more to suck on?

Just a quick note. Had the thought. Wrote it down. Sent it to you. Doubt you'll give it the time of day. Oh well.


the flea in your ear

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