Letters to the Bouncy Banker...

Letters to the Bouncy Banker...
...from a struggling artiste.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Letter to the bank #37

Dear BM,

Who holds the Moral High Ground? What is that and how valuable is it? Isn’t this something worth examining? When countries sacrifice their moral high ground for lucrative armaments deals have they spent down an asset the value of which they have vastly underestimated? I’m thinking some of the clever chaps over at your fine institution might consider packaging these lots of moral high ground that have been so carelessly tossed aside by governments the world over and then sell them back to those very same governments. They might make a killing! You would of course have to articulate the value of these assets in ways they can understand. Don’t say I have not given you some valuable advice. Of course my biggest problem is I am not capable of taking advantage of the situation because, absurdly, I cling to notions of doing the right thing and doing right by one’s fellow human beings and so cannot separate business from ethics as easily as you guys can*. Also I am numerically dyslexic but that is a whole other issue. You could say holding the moral high ground runs counter to the act of making money but I surely do not want to believe it is so. Then I'd have to think, god forbid, of Capitalism as fundamentally flawed. So if you can figure out how to proceed with the above transaction successfully all the more credit to you.

Yours sincerely,

Kristian W.

PS*—As an Atlantean I fall between two worlds that each can, or certainly do, claim to have held that very moral high ground of which we speak, even if they no longer do: England and the US of A. This would also explain my ambidextrous use of words like “chaps” and “guys”. Hope it isn’t all too confusing for you as you struggle to squish language into the necessary documents so that selling moral high ground can become a reality and not just a pipe dream.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment. So often I think I am working in a vacuum and it is nice to know people do stumble in and read! I went to your site and immediately backed out again only because I am so intimidated by, or wary of ALL financial institutions. I will give it further scrutiny I promise.

    My motivation with this blog site and the letters to the Bank Manager is to try and conjure up an ideal of what a bank manager, or someone who is supposed to help one with such things as credit repair, might be. Are there people out there one can truly trust? Sounds paranoid when I put it like that but honestly TRUST is another asset that is sorely neglected as is so apparent with the current economic crisis. Those unaware financiers just keep raking it in oblivious to the problems they have helped create.

    You'll enjoy my next post at the end of which I plead with the bank manager to buy a painting!


Please let me know what you think...