Letters to the Bouncy Banker...

Letters to the Bouncy Banker...
...from a struggling artiste.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Real Letters To The Bank

Real Letters to The Bank Mark Greif, New York Times, 9/16/12

As a writer of letters to a fictional bank manager I was thrilled to see these very real letters to the banks reproduced in the New York Times this past weekend. Thanks to Mark Greif, N + 1, OWS and Occupy The Boardroom, and the writers of all these heartfelt letters. Click on link to see more. I propose an annual public reading of real letters to the banks, nationwide, perhaps on anniversary of the collapse of Lehmann Brothers, or Occupy. Last year I read my own fictional letters at the old Morgan Bank on Wall Street. Click here for more

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Russell Christian

Russell Christian: Click "Collect Me" to help me win a gallery show in New York City and a $10,000 cash grant : Self - A Creative Competition

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Steve Bell on Brian Lehrer

http://www.wnyc.org/shows/bl/20Great slide show of Steve Bell cartoons12/may/03/steve-bell-cartooning-election/
Draws every day in response to the news "my way of shouting at the radio..." in interview with Brian Lehrer.

We really do need ruder cartoonists in the US.

John Glashan

John Glashan, the Great Scottish Cartoonist (born John McGlashan, 24 December 1927 - 15 June 1999) was a Scottish cartoonist, illustrator and playwright. He created the much loved cartoon GENIUS that ran in the Sunday Observer magazine during my formative years and he remains an inspiration.
Revisiting my bookshelf I pulled out John Glashan's World, published by Robinson Publishing, with rave review on back cover by Terry Gilliam, and these two images are scanned from the book.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1st, Big Occupy Day and...me.

What am I doing?
Looking for work.
What am I thinking?
I shouldn't be with B of A.
What am I feeling?
What should I do?
Another Bouncy Banker strip.
Where should I be?
Union Square.
What kind of protester am I?

Should I be on strike?
No. I only teach an hour and the kids like to draw.
What should I do with them today?
Twig drawings.

Friday, April 27, 2012

SHARE The Bouncy Banker!

photo credit: Marikama Dado
This blog has taken way to long to top 10,000 views but finally did so this week. Maybe Art and The Bouncy Banker is only just beginning to find its feet. What began as the semi-biographical musings, ravings and satirical commentary of an oppressed home owner, artist and family man to his fictional bank manager and sometime therapist, evolved into a forum for anything pertaining to that place where art and finance collide or collude. Reposts of related stories from the blogosphere will occur less often now that everyone is feeling something of the same fury I felt when I began this blog. Henceforth the majority of posts will concern a comic and absurdist portrayal of "A Day In The Life Of The Bouncy Banker". Art O'Connor's letters to his bank manager, AKA the Bouncy Banker, the BM, and Mr. Bullrider, will continue sporadically as the need arises. As the Bouncy Banker's nemesis Art O'Connor will make it his job to be a perpetual thorn in Bullrider's rear end, behind and...let us not beat about the bush...bottom. 

Now that I've stopped pretending I know anything about finance despite semi-serious attempts to understand what things like toxic assets and zombie banks are, you can be confident you are in good hands. Please help me increase my audience by sharing "The Bouncy Banker" with your friends. Thank you.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Gilbert and George take on the Bankers (as good mates!)

Gilbert and George love Art AND the Bouncy Banker
By the mid-Seventies they were already a fully fledged double-act. Sexually libertarian, revolutionary even, they have always been politically conservative and are harsh judges of those who do not share their work ethic. They both dismiss the St Paul’s protesters as “hippies” and “idiots” and would rather side with the bankers than “some vegan twit on benefits”, they think Boris Johnson is “a wonderful modern person” and believe fiercely in “making money”.
Above from the Evening Standard this from the Guardian