Letters to the Bouncy Banker...

Letters to the Bouncy Banker...
...from a struggling artiste.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Dream

Dreamt (British usage) we’d bought a new car except it turned out to be older than each of our really too old cars that we already have. Somehow we are pleased though. The man who sold it to us—Danny—the guy who runs our local Chinese restaurant—comes across as both trustworthy and good natured but also business smart. After we sign off on the car he takes out a fingerless glove, looks me in the eye and says in a way that somehow brooks no argument: “Now I tickle you”. I look askance over at Dani, my wife, who is wondering around the furniture showroom (?) and she simply shrugs. Then Danny proceeds to tickle me for the next minute. It is excruciatingly intense and somehow hurtles me back to my childhood. I imagine I screamed out in my sleep. Shocked and thrilled I imagine world despots and people of power the world over being reduced to quivering wrecks by the power of being tickled thus. I imagine Lloyd Blankfein reduced to a giggling mess caught on film. I imagine such films going viral.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Resignation Letter

Official Resignation Letter

Dear Financial Engineers, Money Guys and Bank Managers,

I am formally resigning from my position as Concerned If Numerically Dyslexic Artist/Citizen/Observer of the Ongoing Financial Meltdown (OFM), or Continuing Monetary Tsunami (CMT). My letters to you all—henceforth to be referred to as the Void—have met with virtual silence. I like to read this as your possible embarrassment at truths skillfully revealed by yours truly but suspect you all have simply been laughing yourselves silly and slapping your thighs all the way to the bank. My outrage is your fodder for fun, my economic innocence is risible, my infantile hope that you might be more considerate to those you are supposed to serve, is nothing but a joke! That I remained shocked by your infinite ability to suck blood from a stone, reap rewards, bonuses and slaps on the back for what is in essence criminal behavior, must be very amusing for you all. Or I can can only imagine you are able to defer all blame onto others in your industry, or redefine your industry in such a way as to make it plain it wasn’t you guys but those guys; or your job but their job. You can stop right now blaming the Consumer. You asked us to consume and we did because you are the Experts. You are expert consumers and you showed us all how it was done. You are even consuming us. Thank you for all your advice over the years. Thank you for dismantling Trust in this: the society I live in.

Yours sincerely,

Kristian Witherkay

PS—No longer required to write absurdly naive letters to the Bank I shall now concentrate on the far more important work of creating Art, Art that you the people with money must eventually Own.

Remember this:
•Art is worth more than Money
•Our relationship is deeply symbiotic
•Your lives without Art are worthless